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The official website for the micronation known as The Scattered States of Baswa!

The Scattered States Of Baswa is a micronation whose capital is in Denmark. It was created by president Sir Ocean with a goal of making people connect with eachother and achieving micronational piece (also for fun, you know?). Our flag shows a blue background, a nordic-inspired flag, and a green cross X and - symbol with a white outline. The blue means the "Ocean" in Sir Ocean. The green means "Good". The nordic-like symbol means its in a nordic country, but isn't recognized by the nordic countries as its own nation. The X means "To connect people" and "Friendship" because it resembles a handshake. The white doesn't really mean anything, Sir Ocean just thought it looked cool lol... How the government works is coming soon. Also, the national animal is the Willow Ptarmigan (it can only say awebo)

How to gain citizenship in Baswa:

Contact Sir Ocean:


Map of each state in Baswa